One year ago today I moved to Cleveland and Hilary stayed behind to pack and keep the house clean for showings as we tried to sell the house. We were (are) fortunate enough to have family in Cleveland so I could stay with them in their extra room as we carted ourselves back and forth from Cleveland and Dayton, with one car mind you. The first month was crazy, we bought a second car, got a contract on our house, visited friends and family, and I worked my crazy schedule. We didn't find a church right away, work was challenging, and we missed Dayton and our friends. Sitting here looking back it was, and continues to be, bittersweet. Since I'm not a great writer, and the fact that it is 10:48 on Sunday night and I have spent the past three days on a SUP in training for 12 hour days, I'm going to make a list. Read the list and know that the moral of the story is life is challenging, but God is good. He has sustained us and continues to bless us beyond our expectations.
We love Dayton.
- Our first house we owned is in Dayton - we loved it, minus the lack of storage.
- Lots and lots of good friends. Church ones, lots of good church ones.
- Lots and lots of good friends. Work ones, fun ones, great co-workers, a joy.
- A great church small group, granted many folks moved, we still miss it.
- Small city. Biked to work.
- 2nd Street Market - boom.
- Bicycling boom that I was a part of.
- Lots of lots of good friends. Did I say that yet?
- great friends on the street - for Lauren to play with and Hilary to talk to.
We love Cleveland.
- a good job, same retirement system. A chance to advance the outdoor recreation world of CLE.
- great neighborhood. Nice sidewalks and great playgrounds.
- drive time to family is amazing. We still are amazed it is so fast when we visit family.
- grocery store a few blocks away
- two cars - Hilary says she loves it - only possible because of the job move.
- Lauren loves our new church.
- Making new friends.
Sure, we could write the cons of each place as well, and yes, so far the We love Dayton list is longer, but we have only been here one year. In life you have to make decisions and you don't always know everything before you make those decisions, so as some people have said, grow where you are planted. We are still getting settled. We are waiting on baby #2 to arrive in 7-8 weeks, and we continue to try to serve God and show His love to others through our actions, stories, and lives. Blogs are weird, but I hope you are encouraged by this. Have a great day!